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About Jennifer's Priorities and The Charter Review Commission

About My Priorities

Centering Collaboration And Community Engagement In The Review Process

  • First and foremost, we need a team of Charter Review Commissioners who are listeners, who bring genuine goodwill, and who are able to effectively collaborate on behalf of the People. With your support, I would be honored to be a part of that team.

  • As a trusted leader, known for building community, I have experience collaborating successfully to write effective public policy that has earned bipartisan support. This is exactly the skillset I carry with me into each space where I lead.

  • Listening to all voices, bringing people to common ground, and collaborating with the team to put forward the best possible Charter for your vote on the ballot the following year are the things I promise and commit to doing. For all of us. And for the next generation.

Financial Transparency, Ethics, And Accountability

  • As a working parent and lifelong Whatcom resident, I understand the challenges families face. Our County Charter must ensure financial transparency and equitable spending, putting an end to hidden expenditures and prioritizing the needs of our community.

  • In my community work engaging with the County, I've had a window into how good policy can be stalled by opaque processes. A revised Charter must strengthen ethical oversight, ensuring accountability and restoring public trust in our government.

  • I believe we need to strengthen our existing Ethics Board so it can have better oversight and respond to concerns about ethical issues in our County governance.

Public Participation And Community Voice

  • Too many feel unheard and unseen by our government. As your voice on the Commission, I'll champion a Charter that fosters inclusion and empowers every resident.

  • Ranked-choice voting is a proven way to ensure every vote counts and encourage collaboration over polarization. I'll work to make our elections more accessible, transparent, and representative of our community's voices.

  • We need a government that truly serves the people, not the other way around. I'll advocate for a Charter that prioritizes transparency, accountability, and meaningful public engagement in every decision that affects our lives.

Why I'm Running

I’m running because we must take care of the next generation and ensure our government works for everyone.

When I am out listening to people, I hear that we need affordable housing, a strong economy with good jobs, and a safe community with parks and trails so all children and families can not only survive, but thrive. We also need to prevent flooding, preserve agriculture and care for this beautiful place we call home.

I couldn’t agree more.

To make these things more possible on a whole-government scale, on the Commission, I’ll prioritize centering collaboration and community engagement during the actual Review process, increasing financial transparency, ethics, and accountability throughout County government, and increasing public participation and community voice in our government processes, which includes adopting ranked-choice voting.

With these changes the path toward the hope-filled future we need will be cleared. 

In Summary...

  • As a teacher, union member, and advocate for children and families, the environment, and justice, I've spent my career and personal volunteering time building community and leading for positive change.

  • My name is Jennifer Wright, and I'm asking for your vote. As your voice on the Commission, I'll work tirelessly to put forward a County Charter that represents our shared values. Together, we can create a hope-filled future for our community. 

About The County Charter And Its Review Commission

To dive deep, one opportunity I see in County Government is putting energy into better engagement with the public. If there is clear, relevant, and easily accessible information about various civic topics, events, and opportunities to get involved, people will be more able to participate and influence outcomes all year, not only by voting in November.

For example, that opportunity extends to expanding information about the importance of our County Charter, why we elect a Charter Review Commission every 10 years, and how the public can get involved during the time the Commission is developing proposed changes. Currently, the County website says:

“The Whatcom County Charter, first approved by voters in 1978, provides the foundation and structure of our county’s government. It is the county’s constitution, created to entrust control of county affairs in the people of Whatcom County rather than state legislators."

"Every ten years, voters elect three individuals from each of the five County Council districts to a Charter Review Commission. This 15-member commission is tasked with reviewing the county’s current charter and assessing its suitability to the needs of the community. If deemed necessary, the commission may propose amendments to the charter for consideration by voters at the next year’s election.”

The above information is helpful and a great start, and more information about the history of the Charter, what it can and cannot do, ways it can be changed outside the review process, and why it's important in a practical sense would encourage a greater depth of understanding in the public. In addition, I'd love to see more information about Charter Review Commission it's history, and how the community can get involved, how to contact their commissioners during the review process, and opportunities for engagement added to the above.

I have an open door and I love listening to people. Please reach out to my campaign with any questions or ideas. I would be glad to hear what you are thinking about! ~ Jennifer

Quote Source: https://www.whatcomcounty.us/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=4379&ARC=6288