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Your Voice For A Government That Takes Care Of The Next Generation And Works For Everyone

Hi, I'm Jennifer

I'm a teacher, a mom of two kids, a union member, a child and family advocate, a lifelong Whatcom resident, and a prior ecologist. I’ve led local change for kids, the environment, and justice. When I’m out in the community I hear your concerns. I understand the challenges of our community firsthand. 

I’m running because we must take care of the next generation and ensure our government works for everyone.

As a leader, I believe my first job is to listen. Then work together to make smart choices based on facts.

That is why I was elected to two terms as Co-Chair of the Child and Family Well-Being Task Force, which advises our county government. In that role I have had a behind-the-scenes view and I see places where some simple changes could make things better. 

As your voice on the Commission, I’ll champion a forward-thinking County Charter that:

Centers collaboration and community engagement in the Review process.

Increases financial transparency, ethics, and accountability, throughout County government.

Increases public participation and community voice in our government processes, which includes adopting ranked-choice voting.

With these changes, the path to positive change for ourselves, and for the next generation, will be cleared. 

We deserve it. And we owe it to the next generation. 

My name is Jennifer Wright, and I’m asking for your vote. Together, we can create a hope-filled future for our community. 

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